Friday, December 15, 2006

What I know about Heidi

Heidi lived in this house with Sally before me. I am going to write what I know about her today because it is exactly six months since she left Sally and went to Rainbow Bridge.

Heidi was a very handsome labrador bitch (I am a pretty dog... but I have heard that Heidi was 'handsome'). She had a lot of Crufts champions in her family tree (or pedigree if you want to use the posh word). She could have been one too but she came to live with Sally instead. Sally says that she was very clever (particularly if there was any chance of getting a morsel of food). She did a bow every morning when Sally came downstairs to say good morning (I prefer to stay in my bed). She could do 'twirls', 'arounds' and even 'put in the box' - I haven't a clue what any of these are but clearly she was very very clever. I've told you before about her playing rugby for England... she was also just a little bossy (Jack told me that!) and she was very adventurous .. she would also be first out of the car when there was a new place to explore whereas Jack prefers to stay in the boot when he's not sure where he is. I think I'm more like Jack than Heidi.

I know Sally loved Heidi and misses her lots.. she was a very loving and lively dog who loved being with people and other dogs and it is such as shame I never got to meet her because I just know we would have been good friends. This is a picture of Heidi with Nan.. it was supposed to be just Nan.. but as humans say 'there is no show without punch or Heidi'

Monday, December 04, 2006

Black Thursday

So much has happened since I last wrote including me meeting my long lost brother Louie. He really did look just like me and had a really nice family. Unfortunately Sally forgot her camera so I will have to write more about him when we next meet.

Last Thursday was a really bad day for my walks. In the morning Sally and I went to the green which is where we often go in the morning. When we got there we saw a dog that I had played with a few days before - but he didn't play nicely so Sally and me decided that I should stay on my lead and we would walk on the other side of the green. But before we had hardly started he arrived and attacked me very viciously. Luckily he didn't bite me as I wriggled a lot but it was very scary. He owner tried to call him but it didn't work. Eventually the owner came up and took me away.. he mumbled something like 'sorry about that'!!

Well in the afternoon Sally thought it best to go to the hill where there are lots of nice dogs to play with. That was a good idea because I met Ellie who is also a Springer and just 2 months older than me. We had a great time but then I decided to go exploring - I found a great scent to follow and it took me to the hedges by the motorway - I managed to get through the first fence. I did hear Sally and the other people calling but I was busy following the scent. I couldn't get through the next fence which I thought at first was a shame but then I saw all the noisy cars rushing along the motorway. I tried to get back to Sally but I couldn't find the whole in the fence again.. and those cars really weren't very far away! Luckily Sally found another hole and pulled me through - she was very happy because she thought I had got down onto the motorway. I've hardly been allowed off my lead since .. but I am allowed on my long long lead and we do lots of 'comes' with Sally's new whistle!

Here are two pics of me. The first is of me relaxing in my favourite chair after my morning walk.. and the other is when I had recovered enough to play with Pippin!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Carl's photos

Today Carl and Nan came across to visit me and Sally. Carl had a list of photos that he thought he would like to take of me. He had thought of these before he came. Here are some of the photos. Not all of the photos worked very well because it is a rainy day and there is not much light.

The first photo is of Carl giving me a treat. I like treats a lot but I was very good and didn't grab it from Carl. He said "gentle" and I was. So we were both very good.

The next one is of me on the front door mat. Carl is by my side. The last picture is of me playing with my white hedgehog ball - Carl got me this ball - I like it very much because it has a loud squeak and so I can make lots and lots of noise. (Sally doesn't always like it as much!)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

A Walk at the Chase & Some Exciting News

Today I went for a walk in the Chase with Carl, Nan & Sally. It was great fun. I met Tilly the labrador again. She is the dog who is my brother Louie's friend. Today we had exciting news that not only is Louie my brother but he is my twin. When we were little puppies it was very difficult to tell us apart but I had black patches on my right side and he had them on his left side- so he was called Louie Lefty. And Louie's family think it would be great for us to meet up so Sally is going to call and arrange it! How exciting! Our walk is the Chase was very nice as it was a sunny day. Here is a picture that Carl took of me.

Another holiday!

I have just been on another holiday! I had only been back home for a few days when Sally said we were off to visit Rob & Maria in Manchester and Nan was coming too. Jack was staying at home with Grandad and the cats because he doesn't like long journeys in a tin box on wheels. Sally said I had to be very good and be very careful not to put my muddy paws on Maria's lovely cream carpet. We took lots of towels to keep my paws clean.

Unfortunately on the very first night Sally took me into the garden where I got my paws very muddy and then she was so tired that she forgot all about the cream carpet so I put my muddy paws all over it. Sally was something called 'mortified'... that means very sad and very sorry. But it was her fault and not mine. Sally and me had our own room.. cos Sally was worried about me waking Nan.

I loved spending time with Rob & Maria particularly Maria because she made a big fuss of me. Fusses are one of my favourite things... along with my food and my walks! We went to visit Maria's Mum and her dog called Rosie. I was very good there and so was Rosie but she didn't want to play so she sat on Maria's knee.

I also went to visit Auntie Edna who lives in a nursing home. Well actually she is Sally's great aunt and she is 98 which is a grand old age. When we arrived the lady at the desk said that Auntie Edna was feeling very sad (although she hadn't put muddy marks on Maria's carpet so I don't know why she was sad). But I soon brought a smile to her face and she laughed a lot and made lots of fuss of me. Here is a picture of me with Auntie Edna.

My holiday with Nan & Grandad

Sorry I have not written recently but I have been away on my holidays. I went to stay with Nan, Grandad & Jack while Sally went to see someone called Auntie Kay who lives in Florida. Not at all sure where that is but Sally said that is was too far for me as she had to go on plane. That was a shame because I really wanted to meet Cody & Crystal. They are Auntie Kay's lovely Siberian Huskies. What fun we could all have had!

But I had great fun anyway staying with Nan & Grandad because we had lots and lots of walks and I met lots and lots of different dogs to play with. One day we met a dog called Tilly who was a labrador pup. Her owner said I looked just like her friend Louie. Funny that because when Nan asked about Louie she found out that he has the same birthday as me.. and was born in the same area as me (Wallingford).. and has a full tail like me.. and had a mother who was mostly black like me... So we think Louie is probably my brother! Hopefully we will meet up some day because that would be such a lot of fun!

I was mostly very good when I stayed with Nan & Grandads but I did hear Nan telling someone that I had my moments.. whatever that might mean... can't be anything to do with jumping all over the furniture and grabbing the cushions I suppose .. or chewing that lovely antique table (antiques have a very special taste I find!). Perhaps it is just as well I am home again now!

Here is a picture of me when I got back home. Pippin and I both like the middle step on the stairs.. so we have agreed to share!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

A Lovely Autumn Walk with Springer friends

Today I went on a lovely walk with lots of Springers... and a few other dogs too! The springers were like me - except that I was the only black and white springer... that was odd because I know there are other black and white springers around... I've seen them on my other walks - but we are obviously specially rare. My best friend on the walk was called Jesta. She is just a couple of weeks or so older than me and we had great fun playing together.

I also liked playing with little Jade. Jade is only a little puppy (I am a big puppy now!). She is only 12 weeks old. She is not a real Springer... she is a Sprocker (that's a Springer/Cocker cross). She wasn't afraid of the other dogs and was great fun to play with. Other dogs I met today included Pickles, Daisy, Trixie, Jerry, Holly, Buddy and lots more! It was really good fun and Sally says that we can go for a walk with them again sometime.

I am not going to be able to write any posts for a couple of weeks because Sally is going away on holiday. You will be relieved to hear that I am not going to be left alone. I am going to stay with Nan, Grandad & Jack... and the cats are coming too.

Sally took some photos. The one at the top is me playing with my new friends... then there is one of me running .. and then there is one of little Jade.

Here is a link to see a short video of our walk. Remember to look out for the black and white Springer.. cos its me!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My New Relations

Sorry I haven't written much recently but Sally has been quite busy as she is going on holiday soon. I'm not sure what is happening to me but I don't think I am going too because she says she will miss me! I hope I won't be left here on my own because I still haven't worked out how I can reach my food. I guess I could try asking the cats for help but Pippin is a pig and would just eat it himself and Willow still pretends I don't exist.

On Sunday we went to Nan and Grandads so I could meet Sally's brother and sister-in-law who were down for a few days. They live in a place called Manchester. I behaved myself very well. I didn't steal any shoes or nibble at any feet and I only jumped on the sofa once.. that was when I had just come back from a wet and muddy walk. Sorry about that!! I had two lovely walks in The Chase on Sunday - and in the afternoon it just poured with rain all the time. We all got very wet but that was nice because I like being towelled down!

Here a couple of pictures - one with me with Rob & Maria. They are tickling my tummy which is one of my favourite things in the world. I ask everyone I meet if they will tickle my tummy but Sally thinks it is more polite if I sit up properly to say hello. She has some very funny ideas! The other picture is me trying to look sweet! I think I did very well.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Carl's Visit

Today my friend Carl came for tea. And I thought I would show him how I do my blog. So we have taken some pictures. But first Carl had tea with Nan & Sally. They had chocolate cake and I wanted some too. I asked nicely at first and then not so nicely but I still didn't get any cake but Nan did give me a treat.

Then we took some pictures. There is one of me in my crate. Then Carl took one of me by the fire but this is not on the blog because the fire so bright that you can't really see me. My favourite is the one of me and Carl. Carl is sitting on the sofa holding my lead.

I have been a mostly very good boy this week but unfortunately Sally seems to think it is best that I walk on my lead. This is great shame because I really like to chase the birds. When I get into a field I look for birds to chase and then I run and run and run. Unfortunately it is not possible for me to hear Sally when I am running. So she can't get me back. That is why I am walking on my lead while Sally trains me not to chase the birds. What a spoil sport she is.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A Sad Day

Today is a sad day because we found out that my friend Marley has died. He was only just over a year old. Me and Marley used to play together when we met "on the hill" back in the Summer. He was a black labrador and very bouncy but he was gentle with me when I was little. We haven't seen him for a few weeks now.

This morning when we went to the hill we went to the bit near the road cos I was on my lead (I've had a tummy upset and Sally didn't want me eating all the nice things I find up there). Then we saw a bunch of roses tied to a tree near the road and we went to look at the note which was with it. It had a picture of my friend Marley and Sally told me it said "In memory of Marley, August 2005 - September 2006, so much love, so short a time".

We think Marley must have gone through the gap near the tree on to the busy road. Sally says he has gone to Rainbow Bridge where he will be able to play with all the other dogs (like Heidi who used to live with Sally). I think it is very sad because I won't be able to play with him any more.

Friday, September 29, 2006

The Surrey Country Fair... and a New Friend!

On Sunday Sally took me to the Surrey Country Fair with Nan and Jack. We had a great day. We saw gundogs (like me but they were very good at sitting on the whistle and doing other clever things). We also saw lots of dogs jumping over "pretend" fences and going through tunnels (like mine except mine is really for cats and now it is too small for me cos I keep getting stuck!). But apparently I'm still too little to have a go myself! I love being a puppy but sometimes I wish I could be big. We also had a chat with a man called the doglistener. Sally wanted to know how to stop me pulling on a lead (fat chance!!) but he was on my side. He said I should just enjoy being a puppy and not to try and lead-train me for another month. What a nice chap he was!

I also wanted to tell you about my new girlfriend - Tess. Tess is a yellow labrador puppy who is 4 weeks younger than me. Her Dad is the postman. He brought her round to see me on Monday. Sally chatted to her Mum & Dad while we got to know each other. Unfortunately I haven't seen her since. On Wednesday when Sally went to answer the door I heard her talking to the postman but I was trapped in the office. I whimpered and Sally let me out. I dashed downstairs to the front door.. but it was shut. I tried to get round the back but that door was shut. I am sure I missed Tess but when I saw the postman this morning he didn't have Tess with him. Maybe she has got lost somewhere!

Here is a picture of me with my new toy.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Jack has moved in with us!

I have very exciting news this week. Jack has moved in with us. Now there is Sally, and two cats and two dogs (that's me and Jack). I wasn't sure at first because I thought maybe he had just come for a sleepover like he did before but he has been here for days so he must have come to live with us. I don't know where he sleeps because he doesn't sleep in the kitchen with me because the "moon" sometimes comes into the kitchen at night. I overheard Sally telling someone that he barks at the moon to try and get it to go away. I think that is very silly of him - even I know that there is no point in barking at the moon!

One very good thing has happened since Jack moved in. He has started to play chase games with me when we go for a walk. At long last - I have asked and asked him to play for the last 11 weeks - ever since I came to live with Sally. I've tried running round him in circles... jumping over him.. and even jumping on top over him. I've tried barking in his ear and under his chin...but too no avail he just put his head in the air (all snooty like) and ignored me. Even now he will only play when he feels with it but that is a lot better than not at all.

Here is a picture of Jack that Sally took when we were on our holidays.

Monday, September 11, 2006

My First Holiday!

I'm just back from my very first holiday. Me, Sally, Nan, Grandad & Jack all went to a place called Aberdovey on the West coast of Wales. We went in the car - I was very good and hardly bothered Jack at all. We lived in a small house with no upstairs (called a bugalow or something like that). I was very good almost all of the time. My crate came on holiday too which was nice because I could go to sleep in a place I knew.

We had a little excitement on the first day when Jack got a little over-excited and I overheard Nan and Sally saying he was lucky not to get drowneded (not sure what that is but I think it is something very bad). He went chasing after a kite-surfer and swam out into the sea trying to catch him. He didn't listen to anyone who was calling him. I couldn't see the point in chasing it as it was even I could see it wasn't a bird (I liked chasing birds on the beach on my holidays but Sally wasn't very pleased as I can't hear her call me when I'm chasing them!).

We had lots of lovely walks on the beach - and across the hills - and one day we went walking in the Hafren Forest alongside the River Severn. That was the only day which was wet - I got very wet so Sally had to dry me out with a towel.

One of my favourite days was the day we took the train to Portmadog. I went on Sally's knee because there wasn't enough room under the table which is where Jack went! In the afternoon Sally, Nan & Jack went for a walk - but I stayed with Grandad because Sally said I had done enough walking. I had lots of admirers but I am getting used to that.

Here are some pictures of my holiday - the first one is me and Jack in the car - - then one of me and Sally in the Forest on a wet day - and then one of me reading the business news on the train to Portmadog!

Friday, September 01, 2006

My busy week

Sorry I haven't written for awhile. I've been very busy getting ready for my first holiday. Sally, me, Nan, Grandad & Jack are off to Aberdovey in Wales tomorrow. We are going for a week and I am very excited because Sally says it is near another "end of the world"

I have had a busy week. On Saturday I went to the Chase with Jack and his friend Dylan and we met lots of other dogs. On Tuesday I went to dog training with the big dogs... and they were very big.. particularly Kaiser who was a very barky GSD and Zimber who was a very laid back yellow lab who doesn't like men. But I was very pleased to see Rufus who is a Tibetan Terrier who was in my puppy class a few weeks ago.

On Wednesday we went back to the end of the world... to a place called Hengistbury Head. We had a lovely walk in the morning. I loved playing in the purple heather. Everyone said I behaved just like a Springer Spaniel.. which is just as well as I am one. I read the "Springer Spaniel" manual very carefully so I know just what to do! In the afternoon we met another Springer puppy who had marking just like mine but he was much bigger than me - nearly twice the size! So imagine my surprise when Sally told me that we were nearly born on the same day - he was just two days older than me!

Yesterday when I was out walking I saw my friend Sherlock again - he is a collie cross (not a cross collie like Jack). He is only 6 months old so he is still a puppy too. We had a good play. Today I have been helping Sally pack for the holidays - I made sure she is taking plenty of chews and toys. I' ll tell you all about it when we get back.

Here is a picture of me and Jack getting a treat from Grandad. You can see how big I'm getting!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

My First Award

I have great news! Yesterday when I went to puppy class I completed my Kennel Club Foundation Assessment. Next week I will be getting my very first certificate. To get my certificate I had to do a sit, down and stand. Then I had to walk "in a controlled manner" which apparently means not pulling or dashing off to see my puppy friends. I have also done the "socialisation" things and my 10 second stay. Last night Sally also did the "taking something out of my mouth" - it was just as well the toy she tried to take was a ball I didn't feel like playing with because "drop" isn't my best thing at the moment!

Next week I am going to the "big dogs" class. It is sad to leave my friends in the puppy class but I am now 15 weeks old and some of them are just babies. Although this week there was very big baby in the class called Indy. She is a Newfoundland puppy and was the youngest puppy there but also the biggest.

Here is a recent photo of me that I got Sally to take to show you how big I am now! (I am just trying to see how hard I have to pull to get the curtain down... so I can get a better view of the road outside).

Thursday, August 17, 2006

My new best friend - Pippin

You will be pleased to know that my new best friend is Pippin - he is our black cat. When I first arrived he was not very friendly but now we are great friends. We love playing together. We have chase games, wrestling games and batting games (that is where he sits on a chair or something else high up and bats at me with his paw).

I did try and play with our other cat today - Willow - but she just ran off and I got told off by Sally for chasing her! She is a 'fraidy cat and a big spoilsport.

Here is a picture of Pippin sitting on the catbox and me ready for a game!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ball Playing at Lepe

Today we went to another edge of the world.. well I thought it was an edge because it was like the one we went to last week except when I looked over the Sea there was another bit of the world. Sally said it was called the Isle of Wight. It is all very confusing. We were at a place called Lepe.

We had a lovely day out and I played ball with Jack. I had some good ideas for ball-playing when you are only a little puppy (although I am quite a big puppy now as I will be 14 weeks old on Thursday). You can play by yourself or with your Mum but with another dog is the best fun. Today I played with Jack. I am not very good yet and he took great delight in telling me how good Heidi used to be. Heidi was the black lab who lived here before me.

I heard that she played rugby for England (I'm not sure I got that right but I think so). Heidi was very good at marking. She danced around the other dogs when the ball was being thrown, and then tried to put them off when they were running for the ball. When they got the ball she would try and stop them getting it back to their owner.

However when you are only a puppy you get tired very quickly so you can't do all of that - so I just did the running bit. When I got tired I found the best thing to do is sit and wait while they chase the ball and then tackle them (a fancy way of saying jump at them) when they are on their way back. This is sure to annoy them but it is great fun. Here is a picture of me running to tackle Jack.. and another of me, Nan and Jack sitting on a bench (Jack is on the ground!).

Friday, August 11, 2006

My Puppy Class

On Wednesday evening I go to puppy class. I go to catch up with my puppy friends but we're not allowed to run around and play - we do some playing but we also learn to be good dogs. This week I was very good (well mostly).
We did something called "puppy recalls". I thought I had worked out a quick way of getting my treat for this. What normally happens is... Sally lets me off the lead.. then I can go and see my friends .. then Sally calls me and I run back for my treat. But this week when Sally let me off the lead I decided I might as well stay where I was. Surely that would be the quickest way to get it. But no treat! Then the trainer called me ... so I ran to him but he hadn't got a treat. Then Sally called me.. you have never seen a puppy run so fast I did... and I got my treat at last!

I also so did some very good walking on the lead - everyone was very impressed. But my "downstay" went wrong.. it wasn't my fault you understand.. one of my friends - Daisy the Border Collie - moved. I just got up in case she wanted to tell me something. But I did my 10 seconds at the second time of asking... and so I did get my treat.

If you are puppy - or have one - I would recommend puppy classes because I have made a lot of puppy friends and got a lot of extra treats!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My Trip to the Edge of the World

Today I went to the edge of the world where you cannot go any further. It is blue water and called The Sea. It must be the end of the world because there is nothing after the blue water. I went with Jack, Nan & Sally. It was at a place called Mudeford, near Christchurch.

I am sorry to have to tell you that Jack was a real pain on the journey down there. We were both in the back of the car where there is a lot of space for playing. So I thought Jack and me would be able to play. So I barked, and ran round him... and barked and jumped on top of him... and barked and pulled his ear... but he did absolutely nothing. I went on and on for about 10 minutes. He just lay there. Boring is what I call it - so I went to sleep.

I liked the beach and The Sea very much. I tried to catch the waves but I didn't catch any today. Sally says we will go again soon so I am sure I can catch some next time. After a little while I got so tired I just had to go to sleep. We had a really lovely day. This is a picture of me with Nan. I am looking at the edge of the world.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Wag and Bone Show

It was my most exciting day yet! Me, Sally, Nan & Jack went to the Wag and Bone Show for the day. Nearly all the dogs in the world were there. I said hello to as many of them as I could - its called networking you know! There were some dogs who were busy working - we watched some "hearing dogs for the deaf" and then we went to listen to a talk by a very nice chap - Roger Mugford - who thought that people if they wanted to have dogs should have more than one. I'd really like another dog to live with me and Sally but Sally says not until I am a bigger.

There was lots to see and do but it was a very warm day so after lunch I had a rest in the shade with Sally. Jack was very good - he did the "Super Sit" where you have to sit or lie down for two minutes with lots of other dogs without getting up. Sally said I was too little to join in but I could have slept for two minutes if that would have been alright.

Then Nan and Jack did the "Have-A-Go-Agility-Course" - he was brilliant and the woman with them said he was a "natural" and should go to classes. I think Jack would like that. I couldn't do it because I was too little (again!). So I'm really looking forward to next year when I will do everything.

Here is picture of Jack doing the agility course and another one of me and Jack having a rest.

Eight New Things I did on Friday

What an exciting world this is.. I've been out and about on my own feet for a week now and just as I thought I'd seen most things in this world I had a whole lot of new experiences.

On Friday lunchtime Sally took me to Eastrop park. I have been lots of times before and I really like it because we always meet people who want to make a fuss of me and tell me how cute I am. But when we got to the fountains at the end of the park instead of going back we went through the underpass and into town!

The first new thing I did was walk along a road in town which was quite busy with some big vans .. then we crossed a metal suspension bridge which felt very funny under my feet because it was metal grid and I could see and hear lots of cars going underneath. Then we went through some sliding shiny metal doors into a dark box. There was just me and Sally in it. I didn't much care for the floor which was very slippy. Then all of sudden it started going down.. and then the doors opened and we walked out into a place where there were lots of buses and people getting on and off the buses. Apparently it is called a bus station.

Then we walked through a big outdoor cafe by the cinema before getting back to the park. When we got back to the park I sat on Sally's knee and had a good sleep. Then I was woken up by some very loud screeching sounds - when I opened my eyes I saw some boys whizzing along with wheels under their feet (skateboards I'm told!).

In the evening we went to another park to something called "Balloons over Basingstoke" where I saw big balloons with fire underneath them going up into the sky - never to be seen again! I met some people with bright yellow jackets in the park who made a big fuss of me. Then we went to the funfair but that was very noisy and I really didn't like it so we went home. Now I really must have seen everything in the world!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The New Forest, Training & Thatcham Lakes

Yesterday we went to the New Forest and we had a lovely day except for one thing - I nearly died (of starvation). All was well as we were driving down there - at one point my ears pricked up as I heard Sally say she would feed me as soon as we arrived. But then when we did arrive there was panic..Sally had left my bag at home... with all my food in it! Help.. I was going to starve to death. I waited anxiously with Grandad while Sally & Nan went to find a petshop but apparently it was closed! I was doomed.... but then my luck turned... cos Sally got me some very nice roast chicken from the grocery store and mixed it with the kibble she had in her pocket...what a feast! (But no photos because Sally's camera was in the bag!)

When we got back we only had a little rest before it was time for puppy class. There was one new dog in the class called Alfie. He is very long and has very very short legs but is a friendly chap (Sally says he is a dachshund). Some of my other friends had gone up to the big dogs class but Milly the chocolate lab, Molly the Jack Russell, Marble the whippet and Daisy the Border Collie were all there, so it was great fun.

Today I went to Thatcham Lakes with Sally, Nan, Carl and of course Jack. I very much enjoyed watching the ducks and swans. Here is a picture of me watching the swans, and another one just of the swans and their cygnet.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My favourite toys

Today I thought I would tell you about my favourite toys. I have several sorts of toys. I like "moving" toys very much - like Sally's feet or the cat's tail but it Sally does not seem to like me playing with these which is a shame.

But it doesn't really matter because I have lots of other toys which I am allowed to play with. Here is a picture of me with my sausages! I like running around with them and tossing them in the air. Sometimes me and Sally play fetch with them.. and sometimes we play tug. I like tug games because sometimes Sally says "drop" - then if I let go of my sausages really fast I get a treat! Then we can start again.

My next favourite toy is my dog (it is in the picture in my profile). It gets me very excited because it woofs and pants just like a real grown-up dog!

Tomorrow we are going out to somewhere called the New Forest for the day. It sounds great fun and I am pleased to say my friend Jack is coming too! That is good because I'm much happier meeting other dogs if I've got him to look after me.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Newbury welcomes me!

It has been such an exciting weekend... yesterday I went for my first walk with Jack. His friend Dylan came along too. We went to some woods on Greenham Common. I was allowed off the lead which was really good fun. I came everytime I was called...except once when I was still saying hello to some new people friends.. manners must come first.

Today I went to Victoria Park in Newbury.. and it seemed everyone in Newbury had turned out to welcome me! There were stalls, children's rides, bands and donkeys... and everywhere I looked there were people (and other dogs) who wanted to say hello to me! Someone said it was the Newbury Waterways Festival but I think that is just another name for the "Welcome Kimba Party". There were people of all ages, one very nice lady with what I believe is called a Zimmer frame was very friendly and I made special friends with two girls from the Czech Republic. I also met men with beards, people with hats, and people in funny dress (called uniforms I'm told). One lady even said it would be very good for my socialisation whatever that is!

These are some pictures - the first one is me having a rest while my friend Carl is looking after me... next is me saying hello to one of the donkeys... and finally a picture of me having my tummy tickled by some of my fans.

Friday, July 28, 2006

World .. here I come!

Are you ready? If not... too bad! I launched myself on the world today.... and what a big world it is. I've been for a walk round the local roads... to the town park.. and this evening I'm going out to "the hill" to play with other dogs. You should understand it is not that I haven't been to these places before.. but today I went out on my own four feet! I did get a bit excited to start off with .. I just couldn't decide which side of Sally I wanted to walk on ... so I kept get my lead wrapped around Sally's legs.. but I soon realised that we weren't getting anywhere and there are so many places to see.

You get a totally different perspective from down here near the ground... and then of course there are the smells... and all those interesting things lying about. One of my favourite things today was a plastic drinks bottle I found.. but unfortunately I couldn't quite get my mouth around it. People laughed at me when I kept trying to get hold of it. But I am growing... so perhaps next time.

I met lots of people today... I'm very popular you know. I still look very cute and people who appear to be "in the know" say I have lovely markings. I like all sorts of people - wobbly little ones (better known as toddlers I believe) to old wrinkly ones (sorry I'm forgetting my manners - senior citizens). I am very patient with all of them.

My Friend Carl

Yesterday I went with Sally to Nan & Grandads. I had a good time playing in the garden with my toys. Then Sally got the hose out which I didn't think I liked very much. But I watched Jack and he liked it very much so I thought I would give it a go - and its really not so bad. Sally thinks this is good news because she says she will want to hose me down when I get really dirty on walks.

The reason I went to Nan & Grandads was to see my friend Carl. He is Sally's nephew (I can't work out what relation he is to me). He came to our house the other day which I thought was good fun because he has a wheelchair and I kept get underneath the wheels! I like to sleep on Carl's knee and when I am not sleepy he sometimes holds my lead. Here is a picture of me asleep on Carl's knee.

p.s my training is still going well - I did a 45 second downstay today... and Sally is now training me to touch the end of a long black spoon - I can't imagine what use it will be!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Escape into the Jungle

Great news... I have worked out how to get out into the jungle. It has been a problem ever since Sally had the the really bad idea of opening up the playpen and placing it across the bottom of the patio.. that I meant I couldn't get out into the jungle unless Sally was with me (and I really would prefer to explore on my own!). She was very pleased with her idea I could tell.. it meant that I could potter around on the patio to my heart's content while she was reading or working at the table.

But this morning when Sally went down the garden to look for Pippin and left me on the patio.. it suddenly came to me. The little fence was made for climbing.. and in no time at all I was out into the jungle (and the nice basket of yellow flowers made an excellent step down on the other side). Now I can get out whenever I feel like going exploring.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My Own Den!

Today it has been very hot and I have slept a lot of the day because it is just too tiring to run around and play for very long but this evening Sally gave me some ice cubes to play with and that was great fun - every time I thought I had caught one it slipped away!

I want today to introduce you to my own den which was waiting for me when I got to my new home. I like it very much because when I am inside I can still see everything that is going on - in the kitchen and outside on the patio - but feel very safe in it. I sleep in it at night and go in it when Sally goes out .. but Sally also leaves the door open so I can go in and out as I like.

In my den I have newspaper (which is quite cool to lie on) and two blankets. In the picture you can see my special blue blanket which I brought with me from my first home. It very nice cos it is very smelly and reminds me of my Mum Saffron. You can also see "Softie" which was a present from Sally when I got here. In the picture I am drinking from my water bowl which is in my den - it hangs on the side which is a great shame because I like to tip water bowls upside down!

In the second picture you can see I am rearranging the blankets. Sally thought she would tidy the den before taking the pictures but no self-respecting dog (and I am of course nearly 11 weeks now) would lie on neat blankets - they are much more comfortable in a heap!

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Clicker Game

Today I thought I would tell you all about the clicker game which is the best game in the world because you get lots of treats... I wag my tail lots and lots everytime Sally gets the clicker out!. The clicker is a little yellow box and everytime it clicks I get a treat! So the game is to work out what you have to do to make it click. I've learnt how to touch the clicker with my nose... and how to do a "down" .. and now I'm learning how to walk properly on a lead. I'm learning that because Friday is my big day when I am allowed to walk outside on the pavement. At the moment I have to be carried which is getting just a little frustrating... there are so many lovely smells to explore.. and today when we went to the duckpond I saw another dog which I just know wanted to play with me. So roll on Friday!

Back to the training .. I arrived knowing how to sit.. at my first house I was very quick to learn that sitting nicely was the way to get picked up... and I also arrived knowing my name (Kimba in case you've forgotten - everybody thinks its a very nice name too!). I am quite good at coming when I'm called unless I'm playing with Pippin (our cat) or otherwise engaged. I can do a downstay for precisely 18 seconds ... and next I'm going to learn "stand" - not sure I understand the point of this as I learnt how to stand when I was very little! This is a picture of me doing a very nice "down".

Me and Jack

On Sundays we go to visit Sally's Mum & Dad... I reckon that makes them my Nan & Grandad.. anyhow they have a dog called Jack who is I believe what people call a collie cross.. but I call him a cross collie! I first met Jack the day after I came to live with Sally. I was so pleased to see him because in my first home I had all my brothers and sisters to play with and my Mum to look after me. I thought Jack looked a bit like my Mum "Saffron". So I bounced up to him to say "Hello" but he just looked at me.. then growled very quietly and ran off. I was very puzzled but I have since discovered the Jack is a grown-up dog who is very busy with his own affairs - he has the garden to look after - the pigeons to scare off - and his ball to chase - all of which are a very serious business and he certainly does not have any time to play with me!

I have seen him lots of times in the last couple of weeks and although I couldn't yet say he is happy to see me, he is not as anything like as cross and even lets me lick his face sometimes. I'm sure we're going to be very good friends! This is a picture of me and Jack getting a treat from Nan.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

My New Home

I am 10 weeks and 2 days... and weigh 4.1 kilos. At this precocious age I have decided to write a diary of my life. Here is my picture. I am told that I am an English Springer Spaniel and I know that I am very cute because everyone I meet says so. I have big black ears and a very soft silky coat and a long tail! I now live with my owner - Sally and two cats. Well I think there are two cats... there is certainly a big black cat who seems to be called Pippin. He was very rude when I first got here a couple of weeks ago - he just sat staring at me and then he looked down his nose at me when I tried to say hello. You see I came from a very nice home in Benson, Oxfordshire where I learnt some good manners - but more about that some other time. Anyway back to the cats... there is another one called Willow who I think must be ours because I've seen her eating out of the cat bowl on the patio table, but she keeps herself to herself and I think she is much more scared of me than I am of her. She lives mainly in the garden and I know she was very upset when I found her hiding place the other day. I was just charging through the jungle (apparently better known as a flower border) when I suddenly came across her. She screeched and fled. I promise I didn't touch her - she is just a scaredy cat! Not much fun at all!

I have much to tell you about my life in my new home but that will wait until another day.