Monday, December 04, 2006

Black Thursday

So much has happened since I last wrote including me meeting my long lost brother Louie. He really did look just like me and had a really nice family. Unfortunately Sally forgot her camera so I will have to write more about him when we next meet.

Last Thursday was a really bad day for my walks. In the morning Sally and I went to the green which is where we often go in the morning. When we got there we saw a dog that I had played with a few days before - but he didn't play nicely so Sally and me decided that I should stay on my lead and we would walk on the other side of the green. But before we had hardly started he arrived and attacked me very viciously. Luckily he didn't bite me as I wriggled a lot but it was very scary. He owner tried to call him but it didn't work. Eventually the owner came up and took me away.. he mumbled something like 'sorry about that'!!

Well in the afternoon Sally thought it best to go to the hill where there are lots of nice dogs to play with. That was a good idea because I met Ellie who is also a Springer and just 2 months older than me. We had a great time but then I decided to go exploring - I found a great scent to follow and it took me to the hedges by the motorway - I managed to get through the first fence. I did hear Sally and the other people calling but I was busy following the scent. I couldn't get through the next fence which I thought at first was a shame but then I saw all the noisy cars rushing along the motorway. I tried to get back to Sally but I couldn't find the whole in the fence again.. and those cars really weren't very far away! Luckily Sally found another hole and pulled me through - she was very happy because she thought I had got down onto the motorway. I've hardly been allowed off my lead since .. but I am allowed on my long long lead and we do lots of 'comes' with Sally's new whistle!

Here are two pics of me. The first is of me relaxing in my favourite chair after my morning walk.. and the other is when I had recovered enough to play with Pippin!