Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My Trip to the Edge of the World

Today I went to the edge of the world where you cannot go any further. It is blue water and called The Sea. It must be the end of the world because there is nothing after the blue water. I went with Jack, Nan & Sally. It was at a place called Mudeford, near Christchurch.

I am sorry to have to tell you that Jack was a real pain on the journey down there. We were both in the back of the car where there is a lot of space for playing. So I thought Jack and me would be able to play. So I barked, and ran round him... and barked and jumped on top of him... and barked and pulled his ear... but he did absolutely nothing. I went on and on for about 10 minutes. He just lay there. Boring is what I call it - so I went to sleep.

I liked the beach and The Sea very much. I tried to catch the waves but I didn't catch any today. Sally says we will go again soon so I am sure I can catch some next time. After a little while I got so tired I just had to go to sleep. We had a really lovely day. This is a picture of me with Nan. I am looking at the edge of the world.