Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My favourite toys

Today I thought I would tell you about my favourite toys. I have several sorts of toys. I like "moving" toys very much - like Sally's feet or the cat's tail but it Sally does not seem to like me playing with these which is a shame.

But it doesn't really matter because I have lots of other toys which I am allowed to play with. Here is a picture of me with my sausages! I like running around with them and tossing them in the air. Sometimes me and Sally play fetch with them.. and sometimes we play tug. I like tug games because sometimes Sally says "drop" - then if I let go of my sausages really fast I get a treat! Then we can start again.

My next favourite toy is my dog (it is in the picture in my profile). It gets me very excited because it woofs and pants just like a real grown-up dog!

Tomorrow we are going out to somewhere called the New Forest for the day. It sounds great fun and I am pleased to say my friend Jack is coming too! That is good because I'm much happier meeting other dogs if I've got him to look after me.