Sunday, November 19, 2006

My holiday with Nan & Grandad

Sorry I have not written recently but I have been away on my holidays. I went to stay with Nan, Grandad & Jack while Sally went to see someone called Auntie Kay who lives in Florida. Not at all sure where that is but Sally said that is was too far for me as she had to go on plane. That was a shame because I really wanted to meet Cody & Crystal. They are Auntie Kay's lovely Siberian Huskies. What fun we could all have had!

But I had great fun anyway staying with Nan & Grandad because we had lots and lots of walks and I met lots and lots of different dogs to play with. One day we met a dog called Tilly who was a labrador pup. Her owner said I looked just like her friend Louie. Funny that because when Nan asked about Louie she found out that he has the same birthday as me.. and was born in the same area as me (Wallingford).. and has a full tail like me.. and had a mother who was mostly black like me... So we think Louie is probably my brother! Hopefully we will meet up some day because that would be such a lot of fun!

I was mostly very good when I stayed with Nan & Grandads but I did hear Nan telling someone that I had my moments.. whatever that might mean... can't be anything to do with jumping all over the furniture and grabbing the cushions I suppose .. or chewing that lovely antique table (antiques have a very special taste I find!). Perhaps it is just as well I am home again now!

Here is a picture of me when I got back home. Pippin and I both like the middle step on the stairs.. so we have agreed to share!