Friday, August 11, 2006

My Puppy Class

On Wednesday evening I go to puppy class. I go to catch up with my puppy friends but we're not allowed to run around and play - we do some playing but we also learn to be good dogs. This week I was very good (well mostly).
We did something called "puppy recalls". I thought I had worked out a quick way of getting my treat for this. What normally happens is... Sally lets me off the lead.. then I can go and see my friends .. then Sally calls me and I run back for my treat. But this week when Sally let me off the lead I decided I might as well stay where I was. Surely that would be the quickest way to get it. But no treat! Then the trainer called me ... so I ran to him but he hadn't got a treat. Then Sally called me.. you have never seen a puppy run so fast I did... and I got my treat at last!

I also so did some very good walking on the lead - everyone was very impressed. But my "downstay" went wrong.. it wasn't my fault you understand.. one of my friends - Daisy the Border Collie - moved. I just got up in case she wanted to tell me something. But I did my 10 seconds at the second time of asking... and so I did get my treat.

If you are puppy - or have one - I would recommend puppy classes because I have made a lot of puppy friends and got a lot of extra treats!