Saturday, July 22, 2006

My New Home

I am 10 weeks and 2 days... and weigh 4.1 kilos. At this precocious age I have decided to write a diary of my life. Here is my picture. I am told that I am an English Springer Spaniel and I know that I am very cute because everyone I meet says so. I have big black ears and a very soft silky coat and a long tail! I now live with my owner - Sally and two cats. Well I think there are two cats... there is certainly a big black cat who seems to be called Pippin. He was very rude when I first got here a couple of weeks ago - he just sat staring at me and then he looked down his nose at me when I tried to say hello. You see I came from a very nice home in Benson, Oxfordshire where I learnt some good manners - but more about that some other time. Anyway back to the cats... there is another one called Willow who I think must be ours because I've seen her eating out of the cat bowl on the patio table, but she keeps herself to herself and I think she is much more scared of me than I am of her. She lives mainly in the garden and I know she was very upset when I found her hiding place the other day. I was just charging through the jungle (apparently better known as a flower border) when I suddenly came across her. She screeched and fled. I promise I didn't touch her - she is just a scaredy cat! Not much fun at all!

I have much to tell you about my life in my new home but that will wait until another day.