Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My Own Den!

Today it has been very hot and I have slept a lot of the day because it is just too tiring to run around and play for very long but this evening Sally gave me some ice cubes to play with and that was great fun - every time I thought I had caught one it slipped away!

I want today to introduce you to my own den which was waiting for me when I got to my new home. I like it very much because when I am inside I can still see everything that is going on - in the kitchen and outside on the patio - but feel very safe in it. I sleep in it at night and go in it when Sally goes out .. but Sally also leaves the door open so I can go in and out as I like.

In my den I have newspaper (which is quite cool to lie on) and two blankets. In the picture you can see my special blue blanket which I brought with me from my first home. It very nice cos it is very smelly and reminds me of my Mum Saffron. You can also see "Softie" which was a present from Sally when I got here. In the picture I am drinking from my water bowl which is in my den - it hangs on the side which is a great shame because I like to tip water bowls upside down!

In the second picture you can see I am rearranging the blankets. Sally thought she would tidy the den before taking the pictures but no self-respecting dog (and I am of course nearly 11 weeks now) would lie on neat blankets - they are much more comfortable in a heap!