Sunday, November 19, 2006

Another holiday!

I have just been on another holiday! I had only been back home for a few days when Sally said we were off to visit Rob & Maria in Manchester and Nan was coming too. Jack was staying at home with Grandad and the cats because he doesn't like long journeys in a tin box on wheels. Sally said I had to be very good and be very careful not to put my muddy paws on Maria's lovely cream carpet. We took lots of towels to keep my paws clean.

Unfortunately on the very first night Sally took me into the garden where I got my paws very muddy and then she was so tired that she forgot all about the cream carpet so I put my muddy paws all over it. Sally was something called 'mortified'... that means very sad and very sorry. But it was her fault and not mine. Sally and me had our own room.. cos Sally was worried about me waking Nan.

I loved spending time with Rob & Maria particularly Maria because she made a big fuss of me. Fusses are one of my favourite things... along with my food and my walks! We went to visit Maria's Mum and her dog called Rosie. I was very good there and so was Rosie but she didn't want to play so she sat on Maria's knee.

I also went to visit Auntie Edna who lives in a nursing home. Well actually she is Sally's great aunt and she is 98 which is a grand old age. When we arrived the lady at the desk said that Auntie Edna was feeling very sad (although she hadn't put muddy marks on Maria's carpet so I don't know why she was sad). But I soon brought a smile to her face and she laughed a lot and made lots of fuss of me. Here is a picture of me with Auntie Edna.