Sunday, May 27, 2007

My Visit to a Grand Old Lady

While we were on our holidays we went to see Auntie Edna. She is Sally's great aunt and almost 99 years old. On Monday we checked it was alright to go and see her and it was although she hadn't been too well recently. On Tuesday morning while we were having breakfast we got a message to say she was "failing fast". I'm not sure what that meant but I know that it was decided that although Sally & Nan could see her it was thought that it would no me a good idea for me to see her! That was a big disappointment for me - but I was allowed to go in the car and we left almost straight away. When we got there I stayed in the car while Nan & Sally went to see Auntie Edna. They came back after a while and we went to have lunch. After lunch I had a great surprise - I was taken to see Auntie Edna as she was brighter than before. Auntie Edna was in bed so Sally sat on a stool and put me on her knee. Auntie Edna had a great big grin for me and Sally said her face lit up! She stroked me and kept trying to get closer to me. She was very very nice. She made a great fuss of me which is what I like best. We stayed until Auntie Edna fell asleep and then we said our goodbyes.

Very sadly when we were out walking on Thursday we got a message to say that Auntie Edna had passed away. I'm not sure what that means but I am sad because Sally said I won't be able to see her again - she was a grand old lady! Here is a picture we took of me and Auntie Edna when we went to visit in November.