Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Our New Friend

Hi this is Kimba here..

Haven't been around for a little while because everything is so busy with little Kofi living here too. We have both been very good lads and working hard at our training (leg weaving is my favourite thing at the moment.. I will do that for a long while even if I don't get lots of treats).

Me, Kofi & Jack have a new friend. He appeared in Nan's garden the other week with Sally's sister in law. He is a German Shepherd puppy who is 7 months and already about 100 times bigger than me (and I'm 14 months old now!). I don't know how he got to 7 months cos I've never seen him before anywhere - perhaps he had just been living in their flat. His name is Aldo apparently.

He is good fun to play with. Kofi thinks so too. Kofi runs under a chair whenever he wants a rest.. then he just taunts both me and Aldo from under the chair until he is ready to start playing again.

I said earlier that we were both being very good.. well to be absolutely honest I am being very good.. but Kofi is doing something Sally calls "testing the boundaries". But what she means is jumping on to the chairs and then walking on top of the kitchen table! I did try jumping on to the kitchen table once when Sally was eating her tea. As I am a Springer it was not a problem to land on top of the table on my four paws. Sally was very surprised and quite cross. So I never tried it again.

Here is a picture of me with Sally, Jack, Aldo & Kofi. And another one of just me with Kofi.