The trainer (Kris) said I must have had an excellent breeder cos I am a confident little chap and I am very happy about being handled (that means being picked up and hugged which is one of the things I like best).
We did like paying attention when our name is called, and towelling down without playing with the towel, and picking up, and play-biting (how not to do it!) and we did some recalls and playing. I’ve got some homework to do before next week.. it was all great fun.
Kimba said to say that he went to a new class as well. He had the same trainer as me. It was much better than his old class cos there were 12 dogs and 2 trainers. They had to do recalls when there were lots of other dogs around and loose lead walking between other dogs. They also did spins and bows and he said he had great fun. Here are a couple of pics that Sally took of me on Friday on the patio.