Friday, April 13, 2007

My Brother

Sorry I haven't written for a while but today I have got the most exciting news for you. On Tuesday Sally decided it was nearly time for me to have a dog to come and live here so she emailed my breeder (that is my doggie mum's owner) to ask if she knew of any Springer puppies. And she got an email back to say that my half-sister (Holly who is exactly 3 years older than me and my brothers and sisters) had pups just 2 weeks ago and what is more these new pups have the same Dad as me. So the pups are my half-nieces and half-nephews on my Mum's side... and my half-brothers and half-sisters on my Dad's side.

So today Sally went to see the little puppies (I went to but couldn't go inside because they are far too little to see big dogs like me!). Sally has chosen one (there were 3 boys and four girls). Sally has called the little boy coming to live with us - Kofi.
Here are some pictures of Kofi and his Mum and brothers and sisters.